This is a 100 year old recipe from Germany. I use it every Christmas. Its traditionally served with black coffee to dunk the cookie in. I prefer to eat...
Great for any occasion, and absolutely delicious. Excellent served with noodles (or mashed potatoes) and corn. Substitute white bread for wheat bread if...
This authentic Jamaican recipe is really easy to make. It uses ripe plantains (which are a relative of the banana) as the filling. I like to chill them...
A hot, sweet, sour and fragrant explosion of taste on a plate. The longer you leave to infuse the tastier it gets! You wont serve a better curry. Serve...
A thin and crispy Italian wafer flavored with orange zest. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without orange pizzelle! I own a Villaware® Prima Pizzelle...
My Czech grandmother thought up this recipe a while back. It's great because you can make it with a variety of glazes and/or fillings which you can adjust...
Khao man gai or khao mun gai, literally meaning oily rice [with] chicken, is one of the most popular Thai dishes; it can be found everywhere in Thailand...
This is my absolute favorite way to eat shirataki noodles! The sauce is very versatile as well. Eat with chopsticks or a fork...or your hands! I'm not...
This is a very unique and tasty recipe. I got this recipe from my friend, it is a little hot, but also delicious. If you love Asian food, try this! You...
These Chinese BBQ pork buns are famous around the world! When you follow the tips and techniques in this recipe, you'll be rewarded with these juicy authentic-tasting...
This recipe calls for minimal ingredients, and is fast to make. If you can't find Moroccan seasoning, feel free to make your own, but the taste may be...
Marzipan potatoes are a classic Christmastime treat in Germany, called Marzipankartoffeln. They are easy to make from homemade marzipan and are gluten...
Everybody likes chicken and rice. Just about every major culture has some sort of version of this archetypal recipe (by the way, people from minor cultures...
This is an old British recipe handed down for many generations. I would like to archive it here so that it doesn't get forgotten. It's a hit in our family,...
I love traditional Italian tiramisu but I have a young child so I created a version without eggs or alcohol! My tiramisu combines fresh strawberries, cream...
This is an easy-to-prepare, wonderful, flavorful pasta dish that gets rave reviews! I have had many friends ask me for this recipe. After my friends prepared...
Spanakopita is a Cypriot spinach pie and essentially spinach pie from scratch. I've learned how to make it from my mother-in-law, and I am constantly asked...
This is how my grandad makes his cups of tea. He's in his seventies now and drinks whisky like he'll never get hold of it again. This drink is very relaxing...
I am half Cuban, and I remember my grandmother making this dish for us every time she came to visit. I have scoured the internet for different recipes,...
This is a variation of Chilean empanadas that I made to simplify my husband's favorite recipe from his home country. The meat filling is a harmonious mix...
A yummy way to make a quick and easy one-pan meal or fantastic appetizer. Serve over rice, soba noodles, or rice noodles, or place meatballs in a slow...
This is a light and fresh alternative to traditional pesto. Garlic scapes have a more mild garlic flavor. You can often find them at your farmers market,...
Fluffy and sweet, this apple treat is from the UK and goes great with ladyfingers and cream. This recipe contains raw eggs. We recommend that pregnant...
The price of beef continues to climb and the addition of potatoes in this recipe allows you to stretch a pound into feeding 6 people. Top with your favorite...
Long hours to cook, but believe me, it is worth the efforts! From northern part of Indonesia, most Western people love this dish very much. They try so...
This is really good moussaka that only needs a green salad or some whole-grain bread to round it out. You can replace the basil with parsley if you like;...
This cake has a reputation! A sweet and tempting caramel is drizzled into a greased Bundt® pan, followed by a gorgeous smooth mixture for a moist and...
Red bean paste can usually be found in Asian markets. Sweetened red beans in a can can be substituted for some of the red bean paste to add more texture....
Duck is one of the traditional meals for Christmas or other special occasions in Germany. I often make it in the fall or winter when I have guests over....